On 18.03.2009, at 13:43, Ro wrote:

Hi! Thank you for all your suggestions. I also visit this pages and a read a lot of, but I can't find the answer.
I download a book, it is compress, the XO let me open this book in Etoys and I don't now how to do that.

Oh, I understand now. Sugar on the XO laptop only poorly handles zip files. This is not really an Etoys problem. I'm copying this message to the Sugar list because it might be helpful to others, too. Folks, please cc Rosaura (a teacher from Uruguay) if you intend her to get your reply.

Etoys is the only pre-installed activity that can open zip files. When you click on a zip file in the Journal, it opens in Etoys, and Etoys shows a little menu (probably in the upper-left corner):

The second menu option "extract all to ..." opens a dialog:

This is the folder that the files inside the zip will be extracted to. Choose "tmp" which is near the bottom:

Then press the "ok" button. This extracts the files to the folder named "/tmp". 

To be able to read them, you need to copy them to the Journal. Quit Etoys, and open the "Terminal" activity. Type "cd /tmp" and "ls -l", and then use the "copy-to-journal" command to make the book appear in the Journal:  

The "text/plain" part tells the Journal that this is a plain text file (because its file name ends with ".txt"). If the book is in a different format, you would have to tell the Journal a different type. For example "text/html" if the book name is ending in ".html" or "application/pdf" if it is ".pdf".

Hope this works for you, if not please report back.

- Bert -