'From etoys2.2 of 3 October 2007 [latest update: #1715] on 28 October 2007 at 6:43:26 pm'! "Change Set: recastBasic Date: 28 October 2007 Author: kks Simplified #basic category to use only turtle commands."! !Morph class methodsFor: 'scripting' stamp: 'kks 10/28/2007 17:35'! additionsToViewerCategoryBasic "Answer viewer additions for the 'basic' category" ^#( basic ( (slot colorSees 'whether the given color sees the given color' Boolean readOnly Player color:sees: unused unused) (slot penDown 'whether the pen is currently down' Boolean readWrite Player getPenDown Player setPenDown:) (command clearOwnersPenTrails 'clear all pen trails in my containing playfield') (command forward: 'Moves the object forward in the direction it is heading' Number) (command turn: 'Change the heading of the object by the specified amount' Number) (command beep: 'Make the specified sound' Sound) ) ) ! !