On 28.06.2010, at 19:53, Steve Thomas wrote:

As the Etoys "World Cup of Bug Fixing" update:

 Karl - was off to a fast start with a couple of back to back goals
 Ricardo - came in with one of the quickest goals ever
 Bert - is coming on strong with a series of updates to the issues (although not actually fixing anything ;) then he scores a beautiful quick shot from the outside the box!!!

Well the US is out so I need something to do ;) 
Hey wait Brazil is about to play, and lets not forget Argentina vs Germany!!!


Hehe, even better: I recorded how I investigated and fixed this, took about 10 minutes. Might be enlightening to watch:


Note that I did not need to restart Squeak or even load your project again.

Smalltalk could do that more than 30 years ago, but still Squeak is one of the very few systems allowing it today. Alan lamented that 13 years ago, but little changed. Might be time to watch his talk again:


More like this at Jecel's excellent movie page http://www.smalltalk.org.br/movies/

And: nice project, Steve! It's more complex than I'd think is reasonable for an Etoys project, but it's still impressive :) 

- Bert -