> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:57:08 +0300
> From: siguctua@gmail.com
> To: exupery@lists.squeakfoundation.org
> Subject: Asm-Generator - integration with Compiler
> To indicate that currently submitted method is assembler, developer
> just need to put
> <assembler> pragma in code.
> I will place some 'awful hacks' in Compiler to react on this pragma
> and redirect all further processing to my classes.

Alternatively, you can just add a class side method (#compilerClass I think it is) that tells Smalltalk to use what ever class you want when it tries to compile methods for the class.  This might be better "self documenting" for people reading the code that aren't familiar with what <assembler> might mean and wouldn't know where too look.  But if they see compilerClass then they know exactly what class to look at to see what's going on.

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