Hi all,   I have setup a MagmaCollection with two indexes. I loaded the initial data and it appeared to be successful.   I have the following search:

getMessagesFor: aModule fieldName: aFieldName
"Retreive message from the database"
aReader := (self root at: #fields)
:each |
(each fieldName at: aFieldName )
(each moduleName at: aModule)].

^aReader asArray.

For the records loaded initially this works fine.  However any records I add in the application do not get retrieved using the above method.  But  I can recover the new records searching on the fieldName and moduleName separately.  So the indexes appear to be correct.  Any Suggestions?  Am I missing a step?  Below I've included more details on the initial setup.  Thanks again for your help.


Initial Setup:

myCollection := MagmaCollection new.
newIndex := MaSearchStringIndex attribute: #fieldName.
myCollection addIndex: newIndex.
newIndex := MaSearchStringIndex attribute: #moduleName.
myCollection addIndex: newIndex.

I added my records using a do loop:

(fields ) do:[ :each |
myCollection add: each

The resulting collection was written to Magma.

LBCRepository commit:[LBCRepository root at: #fields put: myCollection ].

The addField method in the application is as follows:

LBCRepository class method>> addField: aField

self commit:[(self root at: #fields) add: aField]