I am a newbie to Magma, and I am working on a project and I was wondering if there is an easy way to configure my system to have Magma work on seasidehosting. Now it is presently working on my local machine
session := (MagmaSession openLocal: 'PackageDB') newSession; connectAs: 'admin'.

I would appreciate if some assistance could be given in this regard.

Now I have implemented somewhat of a Singleton pattern, where I am allowing one DBase Connection per user session. Now I am having two issues. 
1. How can I explicitly save the changes made to actual MagmaDB. As I can store data, to the object while in memory, but if I close the image all those changes are lost. So how can I ensure that it is also stored in the localfile.

2. I have an #unregistered method, however sometimes it works fine and another time is complains that is doesNotUnderstand disconnect. Any hint or solution as to why this might be happening
super initialize.
self database: PTDatabase new. 

  self database session disconnect.
  super unregistered.

Thanks in advance.

Damion Mitchell