Hi list,
      I have a indexed MagmaCollection ( it has about 11,000 objects). I have noticed that requesting the size to a MagmaCollectionReader takes a long time whereas the same requesting to a MagmaCollection doesn´t
 For example:
"MagmaCollection>>size - fiirst evaluation"
[ (magmaSession root at: #Serial) size ] timeToRun  "answer about 525 milliseconds"
"Note: magmaSession root at: #Serial answer a MagmaCollection"
"second evaluation"
[ (magmaSession root at: #Serial) size ] timeToRun  "answer about 1milliseconds"
"MagmaCollectionReader>>size  first evaluation"
[ ((magmaSession root at: #Serial) read: #issnString) size ] timeToRun "answer about 9798 milliseconds"
"second evaluation"
[ ((magmaSession root at: #Serial) read: #issnString) size ] timeToRun "answer about  8992 milliseconds"
Any suggestions for reducing this time?

Thanks in advance.
Juan Matias.