
I created a GitHub repository: 


Into this repository I copied content from the Magma related repositories on squeaksource in metadata-less filetree format. Then I created branch pharo6-dev:


To this repository I copied your package Ma-Pharo, created baseline from your Configuration and removed some obsolete packages.

Chris can continue with the development on the old squeaksource repositories, we then only need to update the master branch (with scripts/export.sh) and merge the new changes into the Pharo port. 

Of course it would be great if all the Magma development including wiki and issue tracker would be moved the the GitHub and the amount of platform dependent changes would stay as low as possible.

-- Pavel

2017-04-27 23:05 GMT+02:00 Udo Schneider <udo.schneider@homeaddress.de>:

I'm currently evaluating the effort needed to port Magma to Pharo. I already am as far as being to able to load all required packages using a configuration (w/o code changes so far ...).

Now I'm wondering which Magma/package versions I should best start porting upon? Any hints?

I'm also not sure how to deal with breaking changes. Just the fact that Pharo now uses a different file access approach means I have to change core methods (e.g. in Ma-Core in this case). So I can't "just" provide a "Ma*-Something-Pharo" package. And I'm pretty sure that there are other areas where Squeak and Pharo diverged over time ...



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