
I run some test in pharo1.1 and magma installed from configuration. I insert 100000 objects to local Magma db.
I use MargaCollection for this.

And after test I have grow memory size. Before I have 90 mb. After I have 140 mb.

My code for test is:

session commit: [entitiesGroup entities add: payment].
session stubOut: entitiesGroup.
session finalizeOids.
Smalltalk garbageCollect

entitiesGroup entities is MagmaCollection.

During test I see that "payment class allInstances size" don't changed. Its ok. I do stub/finalize stuff for this.
But memory usage grow. Its bad.

At the end of test I watch in MaWeakValueDictionary allInstances. And I found that some instance has 141000 items. And 140000 items is nil.
(self select: [:each | each isNil] a MaWeakValueDictionary(size 140064)).

This is my problem
What I do wrong?