Actually, it looks like the missing :worksIn message is kind of prevalent in other methods as well...

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:21 PM, Rob Rothwell <> wrote:

Just tried installing FreeType plus in a fresh sq3.10.2-7179dev08.09.1.image by doing:

(HTTPSocket httpGet: '') readStream fileIn. "Bootstrap"
Installer install: 'Packages'.
Installer sake addPackage: 'FreeTypePlus'; install.

Which gives me a DNU in


self name: 'FreeType Plus-plugins installer'.
self version: '0.16'.
"self worksIn: #( PackagesSqueak310U )."

for the worksIn: message, which is not present in the PacagesDevU heirarchy.  Everything worked fine by commenting it out, but I thought you might like to know...
