Hi all,

Concerning the squeak port of OpenNARS (http://code.google.com/p/open-nars/), here is some information....

1) did you do anything in the weeks before this? if yes, what?

I mainly read the underlying theory the system is built on...

I've especially read the book Rigid Flexibility (http://www.springer.com/west/home/computer/artificial?SGWID=4-147-22-173659733-0)

I've started reading the Java code to identify where to start.

I also started a wiki to keep notes and others remarks
I'll probably setup a proper wiki later.

2) what do plan to do this week?
Quite busy this week.

But, I will start to think about the package structure we want to have knowing what's stable and what's under refactoring (http://www.squeakside.com/seaside/pier/cdrick/NARS/Java+code). Then I'll open a repository and start coding...

3) what can possibly stand in the way of your work?
Finishing my phd dissertation :)
Will end in June - Last chapter underway and then corrections in June. So the coding pace will be moderate in June.

See you all,


