I installed Colloquy.  But it seems to support the notion of "rooms" rather than "channels".  Are they the same?   Does the room name include the # symbol?  Or am I confused?


I recommend Colloquy ( http://www.colloquy.info ), but Linux-originated clients (x-chat, etc.) work fine as well.

On Apr 9, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Andrew P. Black wrote:

How do I use IRC on a Mac?  (i.e., what app do I run)


On 9 Apr 2007, at 5:01, Marcus Denker wrote:

On 07.04.2007, at 11:52, Giovanni Corriga wrote:

Hi all,

I propose that all the mentors meet on IRC on Tuesday in order to

finalize the accepted applications list.

The meeting will be hold on the irc.freenode.org server in the

#squeak-soc channel.

Andrew P. Black
Department of Computer Science
Portland State University
+1 503 725 2411