
I've been on the selection committee for the PSU GSoC projects for the last couple of years; one of my colleagues, Bart Massey, is pretty-well tied in with the Google selection process.  We will talk on Wednesday, and I'll try and get the inside track on what it will take to get accepted as an organization.

Appended is our conversation so far.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Barton C Massey <>
Date: 25 February 2007 12:08:24 PST
To: "Andrew P. Black" <>
Subject: Re: Google Summer of Code 

I think it can't hurt to apply again.  I plan to try to bug
Chris, Greg, Leslie and the gang again to try to improve the
org selection process, which is unarguably a bit broken

If it doesn't work out, I'd also be willing to put a Squeak
project up for PSU.  I need to start getting a project list
together for this year.  I'm hoping you'd be willing to be
on the PSU board again this year?

I want to talk to you about open source stuff in any case
and make some plans.  Late Monday afternoon or sometime
Tuesday morning or early afternoon?


Do you have any insight into whether it is worthwhile for Squeak to  
apply as a mentor organization for GSoC?

Apparently, last year the Squeak Foundation was rejected as being  
"not mainstream", whatever that means.
