On 2019-11-20, at 7:54 PM, Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:
Verdana.  That's the font I remember liking in Eclipse and Squeak back when it could be selected.  Is it working again?  I know nothing about the formats and technologies and licensing.
Deja Vu is considered a good alternative by font aficionados, apparently, and we have that one in the image. There are actually quite  lot of good outline fonts available (fonts.google.com is one source) that we could reasonably employ. I think one job that would be useful to complete is building some decent text styles and improving how we use them. 

Just as one illustration, in a working image with a dozen or so windows open I have 180 instances of 'a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9' out of a total of 237 TextStyle objects. That probably isn't indicative of a well thought out usage pattern of an object one might (perhaps naively) think to be pretty much read-only.

Oh, and it looks like we messed up something in text rendering;  select some text, cmd-k to change the font and set the choice to be quite a bit larger than the main font. If the original is a single line then the bounding box (?) doesn't get changed and thing look really weird. Multi-line texts may or may not get mangled in a similar way according to a pattern I can't discern yet. Like this - 

Note that the cut-off at the bottom of the text is not from me cropping the image but the renderer screwing up

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Life would be much easier if I had the source code.