On 2 May 2018 at 19:17, Edgar J. De Cleene <edgardec2005@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28/04/2018, 13:06, "Ben Coman" <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> Now that Pharo is
>>> bootstrapped, couldn't the energy of Cuis to have a small, clean system be
>>> poured into that effort? Could Squeak be a layer on top with all the cool
>>> stuff reimplemented. Well, it's a dream, but maybe fragmentation is just the
>>> way of the world/human beingsŠ
>> If Squeak saw some value in having a similar bootstrap, 
>> then leveraging Pharo's efforts would make sense and might result in 
>> some *known* common minimal stage (e.g. pre-GUI) between distributions. 
>> Maintenance effort could then at least be shared at that level.
>> Such a minimal common bootstrap would probably suit being hosted under the
>> OpenSmalltalk banner.

This is subject which deserve a long discussion.
No idea about which Pharo bootstrap is this, if was a Gullermo Polito on
Candle or Pavel Krivanek on Kernel or some new.

I didn't really know enough to answer properly so I went digging to learn a bit more.
I started another thread to avoid getting too deep in Pharo stuff here.

I believe its based on the same system that Guille used for Candle, 
but aimed at being so minimal. 
A general description available in the section "Bootstrapping Pharo from sources"...

I don't follow Pharo close enough.
But myself studying WebAssembly for one year now and building my own tools
for dissecting .wasm and "compiling" .wast .wat S- expressions to binary.

Just now WebAssembly lacks GC, but at 2019 end maybe not.
Using it we have speed and portability and is a great opportunity for build
a system from ground , taking the Squeak legacy to XXI century and beyond.

Could be wonderful.  You've probably seen this old thread.

cheers -ben