
As a comparison:

Squeak 5.2
(0 to: 1) = (0 to: 5/3). "true"
(0 to: 1) hash = (0 to: 5/3) hash. "false"

Dolphin 7
(0 to: 1) = (0 to: 5/3). "true"
(0 to: 1) hash = (0 to: 5/3) hash. "false"

VisualWorks 8.1.1
(0 to: 1) = (0 to: 5/3). "true"
(0 to: 1) hash = (0 to: 5/3) hash. "true"

Pharo 5.0
(0 to: 1) = (0 to: 5/3). "true"
(0 to: 1) hash = (0 to: 5/3) hash. "false"

I don't have VAST installed on the PC I'm using right now.  I'd be curious to see how other Smalltalk and/or GemStone handle this?  So far (according to what I could test, only VW is right (according to the ANSI standard and just plain logic!)

I wonder how much code relies on this "behavior" out there!

But the ANSI Smalltalk draft is very clear on this (revision 1.9, page 53,

"If the value of receiver = comparand is true then the receiver and comparand *must* have equivalent hash values."

That's what I always thought (or was taught or even read in the Blue Book).  Was this something that was changed at some point???

BenoƮt St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)