On 27.03.2011, at 18:00, Nikolay Suslov wrote:


I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for the coming 2001 Squeak board election.

Admiring and putting a very high hopes on what VPRI does these days, thinking that the moment has come and we could have some of it's public available projects (OMeta, Worlds) being included in the current mainstream Squeak. OMeta is a new object-oriented language for pattern matching, thus it could be used in a lot of places in the current Squeak, while generalising and simplifying a lot of things (XML parsing, styling, working with files and browsers, ect) just today!
Another task, I wanted to be realised with OMeta, is getting the localised Smalltalk language programming support for non-english speakers. And the long term goal, is making modular Squeak trough Yoshiki's SqueakBootstrapper.
Getting the green light to these novel projects in the current more or less stable Squeak 4.x today, could really bring closer all the known forks and projects, like EToys, Croquet/Cobalt, LivelyKernel, ect. and will prepare the Squeak to it's future, meaning: an upcoming Ian Piumarta's COLA architecture.

Best regards,
Nikolay Suslov

Great! Thanks for running :)

- Bert -