Interesting anecdote that you can run a system for years without knowing its source :-)

Should it maybe be on Squeaksource or Github or so?

Just a random idea in case someone should modernize swiki: Maybe we could remove some duplication between the HelpBrowser contents and the swiki contents? Ideally, the SWiki adapter would not need to scrape the help contents but could use a convenient rest api, and then we could link as many help topics from Help-Squeak-Project directly to the matching swiki pages (and cache them in the ReleaseBuilder).



Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von tim Rowledge <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020 02:26:00
An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: [squeak-dev] Found at last - swiki sources!
Some time ago I asked if anyone knew where the sources for the swiki we use for might be found and I'm pleased to report for the record that I may well have found them.

Whilst bumbling around the swiki hoping to tidy up some documentation I came across "Downloading Swiki Servers". And lo, what did I find but actual downloadable packages that at least appear to be swiki code! My Ghast is well and truly Flabbered.

Notice how this page is quite different to most of the swiki pages. How it is locked in a different way. I think we're in the Twiglet Zone here folks... or at least a different wiki in the swiki.

So now the obvious question is whether it is interesting, practical and worthwhile to make use of this to create an updated version. IIRC we still run the swiki on an ancient vm & image set; perhaps it would be good to modernise?

tim Rowledge;;
Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.