On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 3:19 AM, Stéphane Rollandin <lecteur@zogotounga.net> wrote:
Eliot Miranda a écrit :

I need to point out that unless the various communities can start building
their disparate and diverging images form a micro-kernel image I don't see
how improved execution technology is going to be adopted by the community.
 I'm working hard on a VM that will be potentially 10x the current Squeak VM
for Smalltalk intensive benchmarks.  This VM will be source code compatible
and bytecode compatible but likely it will not be image compatible as it
will use a streamlined object representation that doesn't use compact
classes.  The only way I can see this being adopted by the community at
large is if the community starts building images form microkernels.

maybe a silly question (I have no idea of what is involved): would converting an image from the current format to the one your VM will require be an option ?

One can convert images from one format to another using the SystemTracer.  This is a program that from within an image traces all the objects it can find and writes out a new image.  But its tricky.  The system isn't usable while the thing is running and the system inevitably includes the SystemTracer which one must later strip out if one wants e.g. a minimal deployment image.  So the SystemTracer approach isn't great. (It also suffers from an issue explained below).

One can convert images from one format to another using a program that reads an image, transforms it, and writes it, (I'll call this ImageRewriter) but this is tricky.  The image may contain user code that has constraints the ImageRewriter isn't aware of.  VisualWorks uses the ImageWriter approach to convert 32-bit images to 64bit images.  It does succeed in rewriting the base development image but occasionally will fail to produce a working rewrite of some complicated image.

Even then the image that ImageRewriter produces still needs to contain special support and to be saved to be ready for production.  One thing the image does for itself on startup is check if the size of the identity hash field has changed (in 64-bit VW images there is a larger id hash than in 32-bit VW images).  If the image finds the id hash filed has changed it rehashes all hashed collections except MethodDictionary.  The ImageRewriter (and SystemTracer) knows enough to be able to rehash MethodDictionary and IdentityDictionary.  But because the default implementation of #hash in Object is to answer identityHash a change in id hash can potentially affect equal-hashed collections, not just id-hashed ones.  But to be able to rehash an equal-hashed collection one must be able to evaluate #hash and #= and these are arbitrarily complex and it gets tricky to get either ImageRewriter or SystemTracer to rehash.  Note that they have to compute what the hash would be in the new image, not what it evaluates to in the current image  Hence it is much easier to have the new image rehash its non-MethodDictionary collections on start-up.

Clarly this is slow enough that one does it once when starting up the output of ImageRewriter, then saves.  The saved image then starts up without needng to rehash because the id-hash size won't have changed.

So both SystemTracer and ImageRewriter approaches have significant difficulties when trying to produce images in which things lie the id hash has changed.  They also have difficulties if the instruction set, class implementation, block implementation etc etc of the target has changed because it may be difficult to set-up the necessary invariants.

With the micro-kernel approach the real image is produced by loading code into the microkernel.  So the image transformers (be they SystemTracer, ImageRewriter or MicroKernelGenerator) only have to function on the known quantity which is the microkernel image, not on an arbitrarily complex development or product image.  Great.  But if the microkernel image is simple enough then why not generate it directly from a source specification (as John Maloney's MicroSqueak does)?  Instead of stripping code form an existing image, as one must do with both SystemTracer and ImageRewriter one produces just what the microkernel needs to contain, and it i exactly reproducible.  In any image that tries to prodeuce a microkernel exactly the same microkernel will be produced whereas with the SystemTracer and ImageRewriter approaches what one gets depends on the image one starts with.

So I much prefer the microkernel approach (I didn't used to; enlightenment comes slowly if at all).  It is not absolutely necessary but turns out to have significant advantages.  The only downside (and I don't even think it is a downside) is needing to build up a development or production image by loading code into the microkernel (I actually think this is a feature :) ).


