Aaron J Reichow wrote:
> > > 2. The format for specifying a message is Class>>#message ; that is your
> > > message should have read Morph>>#delete.
> >
> > Really?  I use #delete to talk about the message, but Morph>>delete to
> > talk about a particular method.
> The convention is to use the #.  It's kind of neat actually-  do a
> print-it on "Morph>>#delete" in a workspace- the CompiledMethod for that
> method is returned.  #delete can be passed (a symbol), and delete cannot.

Yes, "Morph>>#delete" is a valid Smalltalk expression and
"Morph>>delete" is not.

I've always found the # symbol to be a blot on the otherwise elegant syntax of Smalltalk.  Its a bit surprising to me that Smalltalk didn't adopt a different convention, such as typing all symbols in bold face.  delete would be an identifier reference, whereas delete would be a symbol, and
        myMorph delete
would send the message delete to the object bound to myMorph.

However, I'm about 25 years too late in proposing this, so I don't expect that it will be adopted real soon now.
