On 24.06.2009, at 07:04, Michael van der Gulik wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:

When you press the "H" key (as it is denoted on your keyboard) the VM reports this as the "H" key which is then interpreted by Windows to be the lowercase "h" character, which it reports as well. Similarly, if you would press Shift-H, it would report that you pressed the shift key, the "H" key which then resulted in the uppercase "H" character. Makes sort of sense dunnit? ;-)

The Linux VM gives the lower-case version. I'm guessing this is a bug.

Yes and no. Truth is each VM is different. On Win you get key codes that match ASCII, on the Mac you get Apple key codes, and on Unix it's not a raw value at all (should be X11 key syms but that hass never been implemented). So you have to deal with platform dependencies anyway.

I just tried this. The results are very interesting. Already having UTF-32 coming in from the VM certainly saves me a lot of work.

I'll see if I can find an Asian Squeak image somewhere and see how it handles input. From what I read on Wikipedia, some input methods use a small GUI widget to aid with input.

The Linux VM supports XIM, as does the Etoys image.

What I meant here was that the Linux VM does not send the modifier key events at all, and then I discovered that the Windows VM does. Again, I assume this is a bug. 

It is, but nobody cared enough until now.

- Bert -