'From Squeak4.2alpha of 26 August 2010 [latest update: #10423] on 20 September 2010 at 7:55:46 am'! !Utilities class methodsFor: 'fetching updates' stamp: 'edc 9/20/2010 07:55'! updateFromServer "Update the image by loading all pending updates from the server." | config answer | "Flush all caches. If a previous download failed this is often helpful" MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches. config := MCMcmUpdater updateFromDefaultRepository. config ifNil: [^self inform: 'Unable to retrieve updates from remote repository.' translated]. self setSystemVersionFromConfig: config. self inform: ('Update completed. Current update number: ' translated, SystemVersion current highestUpdate). answer := self confirm: 'You wish cleanup the image ?'. answer ifTrue:[ self updateFromServerCleanup]! !