I uploaded latest WebClient [1] before issuing an update from Trunk but got
stuck on MCConfiguration>>versionInfoNamed:for:from:

^(self versionNamed: newName for: dep from: repo) info

The return objs (the one paranthetized) is nil so asking for #info falis
The version being scrutinazed (newName) was 'System-ar.349'

Hope it helps and thanks for the feedback.
PS: I am happy to test other suggestions but for the sake of having a working image
I can bring one updated from a connection without the proxy...


On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:27, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:
On 7/12/2010 12:03 AM, Enrico Spinielli wrote:
I retried my initialization for web

   HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: 'xyz.zy.yz.zyx' port: xyzy
   proxyUser: 'xxx' password: 'yyyyyyy'.
   HTTPSocket httpShowGif:

but it now fails.

Do I have to download .mcz manually from squeak source? Any hints?

That's the expected behavior at this point - the support for authenticating proxies went out of the window in the simple default HTTPSocket implementation. You should be able to reinstate it by loading the latest version of WebClient from http://www.squeaksource.com/Webclient (you may need to have to download it through a webbrowser).

Please try it and let me know if that works.

 - Andreas

Enrico Spinielli
"Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
"Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick