On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 3:36 PM, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:
At the latest board meeting we got to discussing the relative quietness of the squeak list(s) recently. We were wondering what you folks out there are doing with Squeak, what you'd like to be able to use it for, the things that you think would be important to improve it for wider use and so on.

Please, whether you're a frequent user or an occasional look-at-the-list type, take a moment to let us know your opinions.

What do you use Squeak for? 

Thank your for asking! 
I am a hobby programmer who uses Squeak to develop applications that interest me.  I am currently enhancing my audio stream recording application (using an external program) that I would like to run cross platform. I actively work on Mac and Windows and dabble with Pi and Android. I am researching requirements for an application to  to extract, display, and manipulate geo data from USGS geopdf files. I am also thinking about building a Pi app that I can use to detect Scorpions around my house.

If you don't use Squeak, why not?
If you used Squeak in the past and don't now, what pulled you away?

What does Squeak lack that you think might make you use it for 'regular' development?

I don't know that Squeak is lacking as much as I am and I don't think of Squeak as a 'regular' development environment. Squeak is a gateway into a different way of thinking about and doing development. When I see things like Alice and her decendents, Nebraska, Caffeine, SqueakJS, or TiledMaps, etc, it thrills me. Hey talented people can bootstrap Squeak to new chip sets or spit out Slang for embedd applications (IOT anyone?)

If Squeak lacks anything, it is a mechanism to grow our base
What things are too hard or annoying to do?

1. Writing a simple GUI application. The Squeak/Pharo landscape is littered with many different GUI development experiments, none of which have garnered global mind share (or sufficient documentation ;-), but this is the nature of of our evolving environment. When I ask questions on the list, I do get helpful answers. All GUI frameworks have limitations
2. Understanding the architecture of Morphic. I know I am not alone in this.
3. Understanding overloaded classes. E.g. StringValue seem to be heavily biased towards ToolBuilder. It has lots of methods which look like they belong in a package category, the ones with leading *,  not in the base class categories, no*. If I am just interested in a simple StringValue object what methods are essential. Or maybe I should only use ValueHolder and do the heavy lifting in my classes.

What would you like to be able to use Squeak for?
Squeak seems quite capable of enabling me to reach my goals.

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
C for sinking, java for drinking, Smalltalk for thinking
