'From Squeak3.10.2 of ''5 June 2008'' [latest update: #7179] on 30 September 2009 at 9:25:30 pm'! !PasteUpMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'ul 9/30/2009 21:24'! dropFiles: anEvent "Handle a number of dropped files from the OS. TODO: - use a more general mechanism for figuring out what to do with the file (perhaps even offering a choice from a menu) - remember the resource location or (when in browser) even the actual file handle " | numFiles stream handler | numFiles := anEvent contents. 1 to: numFiles do: [:i | (stream := FileStream requestDropStream: i) ifNotNil: [ handler := ExternalDropHandler lookupExternalDropHandler: stream. [ handler ifNotNil: [handler handle: stream in: self dropEvent: anEvent]] ensure: [stream close]]].! !