On 22/01/2019, 02:03, "Hernán Morales Durand" <hernan.morales@gmail.com> wrote:

Little Smalltalk is a good example of taking a textual representation
and bootstrapping an image from it.

Yes, sadly some of the LS implementations were lost in time and need to be tracked now, http://www.littlesmalltalk.org is now chinese thing, PDST and Parla were based in LittleSmalltalk 3 but only accessible through archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20051025043437/http://www.copyleft.de/Parla/Parla.html. There is another implementation now : https://github.com/0x7CFE/llst however didn't checked yet.

https://github.com/kyle-github/littlesmalltalk works wel in Mac with class browser view running as localhost in Firefox

A good starting point to have a WebAssembly of it, afraid lack the skills to made it
