Hi !

I'm a new smalltalk user. And I'm interested in using squeak on my pda.
I use the WinCE version of the Squeak VM that is on hoshima's page (thanks):

I've heard there was a problem when trying to use a large image like the full 3.7.
So I've downloaded the sources of the VM at

But I didn't achieve the compilation.
My goal is to change de max allocated memory, in the file sqWinCeMem.c there is :

// I've never seen it managed to get more than 13MB memory.
  memSize = min(memSize, (12*1024*1024));

So if anyone succeed in compiling the VM, tell me how to do so, in order to use large image files.

Guillaume Grondin
Elève-Chercheur en Informatique
Département GIP, Ecole des Mines de Douai
941, rue Charles Bourseul
BP 10838 - 59508 Douai Cedex
Tél : (+33) (0) 3 27 71 24 53
Fax : (+33) (0) 3 27 71 29 17
Email: grondin@ensm-douai.fr