The best way to do this in Morphic is with "alarms":

    self addAlarm: #changeKeyboardFocus after: 5000.

which would execute the morph's changeKeyboardFocus method 5 seconds later.

The way of sleeping you suggest is possible too but more tricky, since you would have to move your wait code to an extra process to not block the UI process, but then make sure that the actual work is done in the UI process again (Morphic is not multithreaded, although Squeak is).


On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 8:49 PM Eduardo Ochs <> wrote:
Hi list,

a few days ago I asked for help on how to send a "synthetic" keyboard
event to a morph, and Karl Ramberg gave me exactly the right hints in
this thread:

My code is ready except for documentation and comments - I'll work on
that in the next few days and then post the result here and on the

...but there's a feature that I want to add to it that - again =( -
needs something that I'm not being able to discover by myself. How do
I write a line of code that waits for 5 seconds, sort of like running
"sleep 5" in a shell, and that doesn't block the rest of the system?
If I have that I'll be able to run these two lines in a workspace,

  self mySleep: 5000.
  kf := self currentHand keyboardFocus.

switch the keyboard focus to something else by clicking on it, and
then the variable kf will be set to this "something else"...

Thanks in advance!
  Eduardo Ochs