Am 25.09.2015 um 18:12 schrieb robert:
I must define variableByte subclasses in the category. Categories are not part of the namespace nor or symbols looked for there. SO I need programmatic access. I didn't find anything in the documentation, as it is an implementation issue. Could someone knowledgeable point out how I can do this?


It is somewhat unclear what you want to achieve.
Categories are simple strings, and "Smalltalk organization" (a SystemOrganizer) keeps the association between classes and categories.
To create a class in a given category, just execute the class creation expression with the proper category, something like this:

| nameOfYourClass nameOfYourCategory |
nameOfYourClass := #MyNewClass.
nameOfYourCategory := 'MyOldCategory'.
Object variableByteSubclass: nameOfYourClass
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: nameOfYourCategory
