Bob built an LPF image, with MC1.5 etc, on your first 3.10-closures image, you can download it from <>  and I requested feedback or suggestions as to what to do next with it to get the debugger working and got none.

I ignore all rest of nonsense mail except this.

Write exact how to do for get closures on

Process of Andreas fail and Cuis updates also fails.
I was ignorant about how to get Closures in the most modular and smaller 3.10 compatible thing , so enlighten me.

If the process success I say you was a super master and all us a bunch of fools.
If contrary, you says mumble jumble or attack working people , continue my working in silence and ignore you again.


Hi Edgar,

As usual I don' t have a clue what you are talking about. The whole point is that I don't know how to load closures although I was one of the first to give the first closures image a try. Asking me to write you a procedure seems a little misplaced.   I am pointing out that no one has made that knowledge available in a form that mere mortals like you or I can use, because the "super masters" are establishing and using processes that apply to their own images only.

For example, whatever process was used to apply closures to 3.10-basic, could be used to apply closures to 3.9, because they are very similar. Pharo was based upon 3.9, so by analogue, if Stefane made a process for applying closures to 3.9, then he could have used that same process as the basis for adding closures to Pharo, and 3.10, but he chose to only do it for pharo.

Whatever process was used to apply closures to 3.8 would also be used to apply closures to cobalt, and etoys.

Therefore if you want closures for MinimalMorphic as far as I know you are on your own, and that was my point.
