On 2012-11-21 4:21 PM, Open Slate wrote:
tried using Chrome on Android phone, got HTTP Error 504 "Gateway Timeout." Works from Firefox on FreeBSD desktop.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Chris Cunnington <smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:

With three files (fluid.html, bootstrap.css, and bootstrap-responsive.css) I have the Twitter Bootstrap fluid page layout for consideration for a new squeak.org homepage. [1] No need to worry about responsive design, this page does it for you. I tested it in iPad/iPhone [1] [2] and it comes up looking good each time. Bootstrap is pretty nifty.


[1] http://www.osrcon.ca/fluid.html
[2] http://iphonetester.com/
[3] http://ipadpreview.com/

Gary Dunn
Open Slate Project

Hmmm... that's interesting. Thanks for testing.
I have an iPad with Safari and an Android Xoom with Chrome and Opera and they all checked out. The fluid layout shifts, bounces around.
