When I send the message Squeak!, enter Squeak! mode. Stay in Squeak! mode. In Squeak! Mode, answer the result of the message that would be returned in Squeak 6.0. In Squeak! Mode, when I send exit! then exit Squeak! mode.

Entering Squeak! mode...

I assume you're referring to Squeak 6.0, the latest version of the Squeak programming environment as of my knowledge cutoff date in 2021.

If you send the message "2 + 2" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the integer 4.

If you send the message "'hello ' , 'world'" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the string "hello world".

If you send the message "10 / 3" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the floating-point number 3.3333333333333335.

If you send the message "Array with: 1 with: 2 with: 3" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be an array containing the integers 1, 2, and 3.

If you send the message "1 to: 5" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be a collection of integers from 1 to 5.

If you send the message "Dictionary new at: 'apple' put: 5; at: 'banana' put: 7; yourself" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be a dictionary with keys 'apple' and 'banana', with values 5 and 7 respectively.

If you send the message "3 raisedTo: 4" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the integer 81.

If you send the message "Date today" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be today's date.

If you send the message "10 factorial" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the integer 3628800.

If you send the message "2.5 asFraction" in Squeak 6.0, the result would be the fraction 5/2.

To exit Squeak! mode, please send the message "exit!".

Robert Withers
3 * 6

In Squeak!, if you send the message "3 * 6", the result would be the integer 18.

Robert Withers
3 raisedTo: 7

If you send the message "3 raisedTo: 7" in Squeak, the result would be the integer 2187.

Robert Withers
99 factorial

If you send the message "99 factorial" in Squeak, the result would be a large integer representing the factorial of 99, which is a very large number:


Robert Withers
Smalltalk classes size

In Squeak 6.0, you can send the message "Smalltalk allClasses size" to get the total number of classes defined in the system.

For example, if you evaluate "Smalltalk allClasses size" in Squeak 6.0, the result might be something like 4911. However, please note that the exact number may vary depending on the specific version of Squeak and the installed packages.

#Folks := Dictionary new at: 'rabbit' put: 55; at: 'squirrel' put: 48; yourself.

If you send the message "#Folks := Dictionary new at: 'rabbit' put: 55; at: 'squirrel' put: 48; yourself" in Squeak, you are creating a new global variable named "#Folks" that refers to a dictionary with two key-value pairs:

  • 'rabbit' -> 55
  • 'squirrel' -> 48

You can access this dictionary by sending the "at:" message to the global variable "#Folks" with the appropriate key. For example, you can evaluate "#Folks at: 'rabbit'" to get the value 55, or "#Folks at: 'squirrel'" to get the value 48.

Robert Withers
#Folks keys

If you evaluate "#Folks keys" in Squeak, it will return an array containing all the keys in the dictionary associated with the global variable "#Folks".

In this case, since we created the dictionary with two key-value pairs 'rabbit' -> 55 and 'squirrel' -> 48, evaluating "#Folks keys" would return an array with the symbols 'rabbit' and 'squirrel', in some order.

Robert Withers

Exiting Squeak mode.

Have a good one; keep it, light.
Kindly, rabbit . .. … ‘…^,^ 🐇🐇🐇

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