ffmpeg should be a nice cross platform lib for video.

OpenQwaq have a some code under GPL that would be cool for Squeak and Etoys




On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
On 2013-03-28, at 01:58, Brad Fuller <brad@bradfuller.com> wrote:

> I might have asked this question a while back, what happened to the video "stuff" in Squeak. Was it removed entirely? There was some mpeg1 players, but I think that's all there was. Is my memory wrong? Where there any other code available?

MPEG, yes. The Sophie guys added Quicktime playback, but that only worked on Mac and Windows (and required installing Quicktime on the latter). There is a GStreamer plugin, but pretty much Linux only (although John McIntosh developed it on a Mac so it can be made to work there). There is an Ogg plugin too, but I'm not sure it has video, might be audio only.

Bringing the media support up-to-date might make a nice GSOC project. Maybe by now there is some cross-platform video library. There wasn't a couple years ago when I looked last.

- Bert -