Hi Hannes,

I have been taking notes and collecting ideas for the following (unordered / not prioritized / incomplete) list of concerns in Squeak:

- Flaps (code clean-up, conceptual improvements)
- User-input events (extract from Morphic into base system)
- Etoys (code clean-up)
- Text widgets (code clean-up, conceptual improvements)
- Text/paragraph composition (extract from Morphic into base system)
- Tool support for UI-theme design
- Tool support for release manager
- Smart splitters (performance and configurable animation)
- List widgets (drop-down list, multi-selection in any list, multi-column trees, etc.)
- Error handling for bad Morphic event handlers (similar to drawing errors)
- Object Collection Tool (see inbox "Tool-mt.535" or http://forum.world.st/The-Inbox-Tools-mt-536-mcz-td4808731.html)


Am 14.01.2019 13:57:09 schrieb H. Hirzel <hannes.hirzel@gmail.com>:

Hello Marcel

a question, see below.


On 1/11/19, Marcel Taeumel wrote:
> Hi, there.
> I would like to continue serving on the Squeak Oversight Board in 2019, too.
> My main interests encompass user interaction (Morphic),
> code modularity
> (readability/extensibility),

What are your suggestions / plans for 5.3 for enhancing the Morphic
user interaction expericence?

How do you think better readability of code could be achived?

> backwards compatibility (Etoys), and
> programming/productivity tools.
> During the past years, it has been a healthy mix of promising ideas,
> enlightening discussions, and challenging viewpoints. I do value such
> programming experiences as a great addition to my daily life. Squeak's
> community is great! Thank you. :-)
> Let us continue shaping Squeak for many opportunities to come! It is an
> intriguing programming system with its liveness promoting exploratory
> working habits. What a time to be a "programmer". ;-)
> Best,
> Marcel
> Am 10.01.2019 20:38:30 schrieb Ron Teitelbaum :
> Hi All,
> Thank you Craig for jumping right in! I would encourage everyone else to
> follow Craig's lead. I know some people like to wait but the more
> candidates the better.
> The lack of candidates shouldn't be an incentive for people to run and a
> large number of candidates shouldn't be a reason for you to decide against
> volunteering to run! We have had some excellent people run and not be
> elected that would have been terrific members of the board! You show your
> commitment to Squeak just by running! For those of you that say you don't
> have the time or are not sure what you would have to do, we have had some
> excellent answers in the past. There is no requirement or specific demands
> and the board decides when and how it will meet. Most, if not all, meetings
> are electronic so the demands on your time are very low! Plus the members
> are all terrific people you will enjoy working with!
> Jump on in and add your name to the candidate list!
> Thanks!
> Ron Teitelbaum
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 2:49 AM Craig Latta
> [mailto:craig@blackpagedigital.com]> wrote:
> Hi all--
> I'd like to serve on the Squeak Oversight Board in 2019. With you
> and my fellow board members, I intend to continue...
> - ...representing Squeak at conferences, including ESUG and the
> International Conference on Live Coding[1].
> - ...maintaining the agenda and notes at the board meetings. I
> anticipate having the time to make posts to the board blog this
> term.
> - ...developing symbiosis between the Squeak, JavaScript, and Web
> platform communities through my work with Caffeine[2] and
> SqueakJS[3].
> I would be honored to have your vote.
> cheers!
> Craig
> --
> [1] http://iclc.livecodenetwork.org/2019/ingles.html
> [http://iclc.livecodenetwork.org/2019/ingles.html]
> [2] https://caffeine.js.org [https://caffeine.js.org]
> [3] https://squeak.js.org [https://squeak.js.org]
> --
> Craig Latta
> Black Page Digital
> Amsterdam :: San Francisco
> craig@blackpagedigital.com [mailto:craig@blackpagedigital.com]
> +31 6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
> + 1 415 287 3547 (no SMS)