Hi David,

    Interesting!  To my mind that definition is incorrect.  I would expect the sender of a block to be the sender of the enclosing method, in which case the definition would arguably be

BlockClosure methods for accessing
^self home sender

A block activation's caller would be it's sender slot, so within a block you might refer to thisContext caller.  But what is arguably a bug in my implementation is that within a block activation thisContext sender refers to the caller (the sender of value: to the activation's block) not to the sender of the enclosing method.

I think I may have screwed up badly here and that the correct implementations should be

MethodContext methods for accessing
ifNil: [self error: 'this is a method activation and so has no caller']
ifNotNil: [sender]

ifNil: [sender]
ifNotNil: [closureOrNil outerContext sender]

BlockClosure methods for accessing
^outerContext sender

and either

BlockClosure methods for accessing
"Since a BlockClosure is by definition not an activation it does not have a caller.
 It has a sender because it is always created within the context of a method."


BlockClosure methods for accessing
^self error: 'this is an inactive block and so has no caller'

I believe the pre-closure definitions are
ContextPart methods for accessing

BlockContext methods for accessing

which to my mind is missing

BlockContext methods for accessing
^home sender

What do people think the right definitions should be?

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 8:36 PM, <commits@source.squeak.org> wrote:
David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-dtl.331
Author: dtl
Time: 18 December 2009, 11:32:44 am
UUID: 20ffffda-86bc-47a7-8eae-cd11b55aa65e
Ancestors: Kernel-bs.330

Add BlockClosure>>sender required for MessageTally class>>tallySends:

Harvested from Pharo (nice 4/14/2009 19:09).

=============== Diff against Kernel-bs.330 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BlockClosure>>sender (in category 'debugger access') -----
+ sender
+       "Answer the context that sent the message that created the receiver."
+       ^outerContext sender!