[_]— i want to make a multi Window Debugger which really reduces the need to 
mouse or click or fiddle diddle faddle stepping . Smalltalk stepping used to be my 
favorite hobby . <Alt>+<Tab> navigation or something keyboard only Vim where it
 remembers the clicks you clicked to Inspect a couple 3 things and plays them 
back apon any revisiting => reopening and puts the desired printOn:s into a 
popUp clustering which disappears or reappears apon leaving returning each 
click setup inspection selecting -> showing its printOn: just by keeping hitting the
 <Spacebar> . maybe the separate Windows take it in turns to coming forwards 
apon <Spacebar> . mostly you just keep hitting <Spacebar> or <F10> <F11> 
something . And the source code selection always always scrolls into dead center
 of the pain oh the pane centered top to bottom of the monitor screen without me
 fiddling with these tiny Steve Jobs scroll bars which never should have replaced 
the Adele et all ST-80 scroll flaps and that old GUI is coming back it’s just called 
WUP or WUPS or WPU or UPWoo or something which has hiding scroll bars byut 
they’re ((->tiny<-)) pfff so it takes some stressing to home in on the minute buggers . give me the old interface back again but with rich text . fancy fonts etc . oh yeah o y worse is better worse is better worse is definitely better and the GUI 
should look like things we are familiar with so our heads don’t explode speaking 
no ill of the dead but he couldn’t have been more wrong no like desk drawers and 
table tops and 3D rollodecks magic cap . but the 80 GUI never did any of that 
because why because why because it was 39 years before it’s time that’s why
Adele whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooo

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 20:17 Nicola  <nmingotti@gmail.com> wrote:

seems much more readable.



On 9/26/19 4:36 AM, Marcel Taeumel wrote:
Hi, all! 

May I add more spaces to Context >> #printOn:? ... and a "#" in front of the selector ...
