>Because Sophie uses Quicktime for all its media needs. Quicktime 
>supports Flash just fine.

I didn't know that at all. Thank you for pointing it out. 

> I wrote the Flash player for Disney projects and we used it there. The 
> reason it was never updated was because Macromedia (which owned Flash at 
> this point) changed their policy on releasing the SWF spec - in order to 
> obtain the spec for SWF > 3.0 one had to agree to NOT write any player 
> for SWF files; you were only allowed to use that documentation to CREATE 
> output in SWF. So a complete no-go for us (I have not checked what 
> recent policy is).

That's interesting. That explains to me how I perceived that all interest in Flash 
had stopped. The code goes up to that point and that's all I could see. 

> I wrote the memo, I own the site, and methinks I'm still around ...

I do appreciate the truth of that statement. Talking about these things here makes
me a bit self-conscious, as I like to describe things in historical terms, while all 
the players are right here. But silence teaches me nothing, so...

Your site is invaluable to anybody interested in Tweak, which includes anybody 
who has ever had doubts about Morphic. 

