Oh cool! Yes I just saw Stephane’s message. 

Did anyone try on 64 bits?


On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 12:46 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Vanessa,

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 2:10 PM Vanessa Freudenberg <vanessa@codefrau.net> wrote:

... but nobody has looked at it in a long time, and the "Squeak3D" plugin is not part of the current VM builds I think. It certainly has not been ported to 64 bits. That plugin contains the non-h/w accelerated primitives. I don't think it works without those primitives (even though with today's JIT VM it might even be usable).

I believe that Squeak3D is included in all Sur/trunk VM builds.  As Stephane said, he's written a game using it.  Soe time last year a few of us collaborated im getting rid of the bugs, due mainly to Stephane having written the game which then forced us to debug the plugin code.


On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 1:49 PM David Duke <duke.j.david@gmail.com> wrote:
Following links from  the Baloon3d page on squeak.org:
there are/were versions for (1-1.0.32-1.0.4
--however both links end on  pages with broken links to sars

Baloon3d home also has a dead link to a 'Balloon3D' removal  package.

Qs: is there a copy of the original Baloon3D packages out there somewhere that
might be used to build a new package, or is it necessary/desirable to start again?
- any papers or design info that capture key decisions?

I'm aware that 3D on Squeak was in a way supeceded by Croquet/Cobalt
However that has a rather different use-case.
- I'm not too bothered by h/w acceleration.
- an elegant/customisable renderer is of more interest so happy to have more of 
it in Smalltalk provided speed is tolerable

David Duke

best, Eliot