I  retake MinimalMorphic as Pavel Krivanek do some years ago (before 3..10 start) and me help to build and now put all I learn doing SqueakLightII into

So this could do almost a regular 3.10 do plus some 3.10 never dream of do.
As if you open MonticelloBrowser and add
And you see how you could put some more as only code in SqueakSource.

TaiPei is still in buiding phase and Rompecabezas have some time living in different images.
ProcustesEnd stiil could be polished, but all have now some to play and improve.

As final data MinimalMorphic.7229.image have only 7.3 MB and equivalent SqueakLightII.7229.image 11.2
Also , as many like Traits, this image have they, but could easily removed with Matthew procedure.

I doing some .mov recording beginners tutorials and wish put in some place.
Any favorites for this ? My modest LAN and lousy ISP cable modem is not so good ....

