2009/6/29 Janko Mivšek <janko.mivsek@eranova.si>
Juan Vuletich pravi:

> I don't agree with this at all. The biggest problems Cuis and Pharo are
> trying to fix are the endless discussions, the weak leadership and the
> impossibility to build consensus in fundamental decisions.

I agree completelly!

Me too.  The fact is that committee and consensus based process, while it can work, will always be much slower and often unsatisfactory to a large percentage of the community (until our intellects are all intimately coupled (like the Borg), I suspect this will remain the case).  I see no reason to merge squeak with pharo, cuis or eToys.  These forks of squeak are successful in large part because they forked from the main squeak.  They are driven by people that have a very specific vision of what they want and there happen to be other people that believe in that same vision and contribute.  They don't have to seek approval or build any sort of consensus from any committee.  They alone get to decide to what degree they listen to their own community.

- Stephen