Hi all,
    I'm trying to make  a solution for the following problem:
    "Minimize the impact of the software you make in a future change of the ODB schema."
    Until now, I've found this specifical features needed (perhaps you can review/add more):
    Requeriment: To have solved in one place a big ammount of persisted objects, that could be accessed efficiently by different "attributes" (supporting wilcards), in a simultaneous, sustainable, transparent and easily maintainable way. All this together.
    1. Big ammount of persistent objects. At first view any collection could have them, but as they are to be persistent, they need to be on an apropiated support. A BTree or TSTree satisfies this requirement.
    2. Accessed efficiently. Those trees access their content very efficiently. Specially TSTree for wilcarded text searches.
    3. Different attributes. For each attribute that the persistent objects is wanted to be searcheable, it's needed one of those trees. Let me call this indexing. So, this trees wil have in their keys, the values (probably restricted only to integers and strings) of the "attribute" of the objects stored, and in their values the objects itself. A tree for each indexed "attribute". This collection of trees may have the know how to maintain them and hold them. I called it IndexedCollection.
    4. Wildcards search support. The TSTree supports wilcarded strings searches. Perhaps BTree too, in near future. In OmniBase, any ODBTree also support this.
    5. In simultaneous way. This IndexedCollection may have a friendly protocol for adding index, removing index, and querying on any index at any time.
    6. In Sustainable way. The changes of an element of the collection, should be updated in the respective index if matters (the update problem). In other words: the index should allways have it's keys synchronized with the objects attributes values.
    7. In transparent way. That the elements should not perceive that they are persistent. I mean, they should not need to have any method nor code to update the indexes or anything related to the persistent schema.
    8. Easily maintainable. That one can add or remove indexes as one needs.
    9. All together. To have all this togethter in one place: a special collection that support all this features at one time, here I called it IndexedCollection.
    If you know Magma I'm talking about serveral of the MagmaCollection's features, plus some others like having independence of the persistent schema itself. It's some kind of generalization that will be useful to you to develop software that need persistence, minimizing the impact of (for ANY reason) a change of the odb schema/vendor.
    The main problem right now it's the update problem (point 6). When anyone changes the value of an indexed attribute of a persistent object, it should exist some kind of triggering mechanism, so the IndexedCollection could tell to the corresponding index, to update it's key and value corresponding to the mutating element.
    Hypothesis: what about making some kind of proxy or wrapper to every element you add to this collection, to monitor (via DNU) every message sent to the monitored element, and when appropiate, trigger the change of the target attributes, so the collection could update it's indexes?
    In that case, we have to solve the additional problem of the change of domain: the ODB domain to VM domain, and vice versa. That will drop the identity of the objects, including elements, wrappers, the hooked events, and the collection itself. So here is the problem. I'm thinking about it for several days without enlightenment yet. Any idea to solve this? Any better idea/strategy?
    best regards,
Sebastián Sastre

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