Hi All,

    I have just found out why some recent images of ours at Teleplace aren't logging doits; the system notifications are missing Smalltalk as a target.  If you look at senders of SystemChangeNotifier>>notify:ofAllSystemChangesUsing: in trunk you'll see the following three key senders (ignoring tests)

    ChangeSet class>>newChanges:          - ensures change sets keep up to date with changes
    Preferences class>>registerForEvents  - ensures prefs stay up to date when methods with preference method tags get added/removed
    Utilities class>>startUp                        - ensures recent submissions are maintained

SmalltalkImage is conspicuously absent, yet

| | am |
am := (SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance instVarNamed: 'eventSource') actionMap.
am keys select:
[:k| | e |
(e := am at: k) isArray
ifTrue: [e anySatisfy: [:seq| seq receiver == Smalltalk]]
ifFalse: [e receiver == Smalltalk]]
#(#protocolRenamedEvent: #methodModifiedEvent: #protocolAddedEvent: #categoryRemovedEvent: #expressionDoItEvent: #methodRemovedEvent: #classReorganizedEvent: #protocolModifiedEvent: #categoryModifiedEvent: #classRenamedEvent: #protocolRemovedEvent: #classRemovedEvent: #classAddedEvent: #categoryRenamedEvent: #classModifiedEvent: #methodRecategorizedEvent: #classCommentedEvent: #methodAddedEvent: #classRecategorizedEvent: #categoryAddedEvent:)

| am |
am := (SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance instVarNamed: 'eventSource') actionMap.
am keys reject:
[:k| | e |
(e := am at: k) isArray
ifTrue: [e anySatisfy: [:seq| seq receiver == Smalltalk]]
ifFalse: [e receiver == Smalltalk]]

#(#methodReorganizedEvent: #methodCommentedEvent: #methodDoItEvent: #categoryRecategorizedEvent: #methodRenamedEvent:)

and there's the rub.  Why isn't Smalltalk a target of all events?  Why does it exclude #methodReorganizedEvent: #methodCommentedEvent: #methodDoItEvent: #categoryRecategorizedEvent: #methodRenamedEvent:?  Is this merely accident?

I'm pretty sure that SmalltalkImage class>>startUp needs to ensure system notifications are up-to-date, but are the above exclusions missing for any reason?  It's kind of hard to figure out (see below).  I *think* that it should read

SmalltalkImage class>>startUp
"XXXX: This is broken. SmalltalkImage startUp happens quite late in the startup sequence; earlier startups may very well need the information about the endianness of the platform."
EndianCache := nil.
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance notify: Smalltalk ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:

but I thought I'd check with y'all.

and finally when can we reimplement this entire mess using e.g. Anouncements, I mean:


^self class eventSelectorBlock value: itemKind value: self changeKind

AbstractEvent class>>eventSelectorBlock

^[:itemKind :changeKind | itemKind, changeKind, 'Event:']

Surely this is too direct and easy to understand ;)  I mean who /needs/ senders and implementors to work?
