On 28.01.2019, at 01:39, Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:


Yes, the SqueakMap server image is one part of the dynamic, but I
think another is a bug in the trunk image.  I think the reason Tim is
not seeing 45 seconds before error is because the timeout setting of
the high-up client is not being passed all the way down to the
lowest-level layers -- e.g., from HTTPSocket --> WebClient -->
SocketStream --> Socket.  By the time it gets down to Socket which
does the actual work, it's operating on its own 30 second timeout.

I would expect subsecond reponse times. 30 seconds is just unacceptably

Well, it depends on if, for example, you're in the middle of
Antarctica with a slow internet connection in an office with a fast
connection.  A 30 second timeout is just the maximum amount of time
the client will wait for the entire process before presenting a
debugger, that's all it can do.

We can be sure that Tim should get subsecond response times instead of
timeouts after 30 seconds.

Right, but timeout settings are a necessary tool sometimes, my point
was that we should fix client code in trunk to make timeouts work

Incidentally, 99% of SqueakMap requests ARE subsecond -- just go to
map.squeak.org and click around and see.  For the remaining 1% that
aren't, the issue is known and we're working on a new server to fix

It is a fixed amount of time, I *think* still between 30 and 45
seconds, that it takes the SqueakMap server to save its model after an

and so if in the meantime it can simply be made to wait 45s instead of
30s, then current SqueakMap will only be that occasional delay at
worst, instead of the annoying debugger we currently get.

You would save seconds, not milliseconds by not downloading files again.

IIUC, you're saying we would save one hope in the "download" --
instead of client <--> alan <--> andreas, it would just be client <-->
alan.  Is that right?

No. If the client doesn't have the mcz in the package cache but nginx has
it in its cache, then we save the transfer of data between alan and

Are alan and andreas co-located?

They're VMs on rackspace. The slowest bandwidth Rackspace has is 200 MBit/s, the fastest 2 GBit/s, i forgot which we have.
The network is not the limiting factor here, Squeak is.

The file doesn't have to be read from the disk either.

I assume you mean "read from disk" on alan?  What about after it's
cached so many mcz's in RAM that its paging out to swap file?  To me,
wasing precious RAM (of any server) to cache old MCZ file contents
that no one will ever download (because they become old very quickly)
feels wasteful.  Dragster cars are wasteful too, but yes, they are
"faster"... on a dragstrip.  :)  I guess there'd have to be some kind
of application-specific smart management of the cache...

Levente, what about the trunk directory listing, can it cache that?
That is the _#1 thing_ source.squeak.org is accessing and sending back
over, and over, and over again -- every time that MC progress box that
says, "Updating [repository name]".

If the client does have the mcz, then we save the complete file transfer.

I don't know what the speed between alan <---> andreas is, but I doubt
it's much slower than client <---> alan in most cases, so the savings
would seem to be minimal..?

The image wouldn't have to open a file, read its content from the disk and
send that through a socket.

By "the image" I assume you mean the SqueakSource server image.  But
opening the file takes very little time.  Original web-sites were
.html files, remember how fast those were?  Plus, filesystems "cache"
file contents into their own internal caches anyway...

Yes, it still has to return back through alan but I assume alan does
not wait for a "full download" received from andreas before its
already pipeing back to the Squeak client.  If true, then it seems
like it only amounts to saving one hop, which would hardly be
noticeable over what we have now.

Nginx does that thing magnitudes faster than

The UX would not be magnitudes faster though, right?

That would also let us save bandwidth by not downloading files already
sitting in the client's package cache.

How so?  Isn't the package-cache checked before hitting the server at
all?  It certainly should be.

No, it's not. Currently that's not possible, because different files can
have the same name. And currently we have no way to tell them apart.

No.  No two MCZ's may have the same name, certainly not withiin the
same repository, because MCRepository cannot support that.  So maybe

Not at the same time, but it's possible, and it just happened recently
with Chronology-ul.21.
It is perfectly possible that a client has a version in its package cache
with the same name as a different version on the server.

But we don't want to restrict what's possible in our software design
because of that.  That situation is already a headache anyway.  Same
name theoretically can come only from the same person (if we ensure
unique initials) and so this is avoidable / fixable by resaving one of
them as a different name...

we need project subdirectories under package-cache to properly
simulate each cached Repository.  I had no idea we were neutering 90%
of the benefits of our package-cache because of this too, and just
sitting here, I can't help wonder whether this is why MCProxy doesn't
work properly either!

The primary purpose of a cache is to *check it first* to speed up
access to something, right?  What you say about package-cache sounds

I don't know. It wasn't me who designed it. :)

I meant ANY "cache".


For Monticello, package-cache's other use-case is when an
authentication issue occurs when trying to save to a HTTP repository.
At that point the Version object with the new ancestry was already
constructed in memory, so rather than worry about trying to "undo" all
that, it was simpler and better to save it to a package-cache, persist
it safely so the client can simply move forward from there (get access
to the HTTP and copy it or whatever).

- Chris

really bad we should fix that, not surrender to it.

Yes, that should be fixed, but it needs changes on the server side.
What I always had in mind was to extend the repository listing with
hashes/uuids so that the client could figure out if it needs to download a
specific version. But care must be taken not to break the code for
non-ss repositories (e.g. simple directory listings).


- Chris