Hi Ron

On 11.09.2018, at 17:38, Ron Teitelbaum <ron@usmedrec.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I ran into this problem.  Has anyone seen this before?  

I was importing a file that contained some sort of char code 160.  http://www.adamkoch.com/2009/07/25/white-space-and-character-160/ says this is a non-breaking space.  

I pasted the character into Squeak. When trying to inspect it in squeak I get illegal character.  

Can you get me the char before the 160?

I see that the ahead char is 30, which makes things very strange.

First this does not look like Latin-1, where 160/0xa0 would be nbsp, because the ahead is 30/1e, a control char, and not defined in Latin-1.
It is in ascii (record separator RS), but there 160/0xa0 is not defined.
Windows CP 1252 would have both, but I am a bit unsure as to whether you'd actually find a NBSP+RS combo just like that in smalltalk data…

Leaves, eg, MacRoman (I _think_ stuff used to be coded in macroman in Squeak in the 90s), and
there 30/0x1e ist still RS (strange) but 160/0xA0 is Dagger (†) which is indeed illegal.

So could you give us a bit content around the char?

Best regards

PS: EBCDIC would make no sense at all…
PPS: Interestingly, 160/0xA0 is actually defined #xBinary…

Illegal character (char code 160 16r16rA0) ->

The 16r16r seems to be an error in the method and not a real number

"An illegal character was encountered"
self halt.
self notify: 'Illegal character (char code ' , hereChar charCode , ' 16r' , hereChar charCode hex , ')' at: mark

But if I inspect Character nbsp I get a character 160 that seems to work fine.

Here is the stack.  I added a halt in xIllegal.
'11 September 2018 11:30:40.486 am

VM: Win32 - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak4.1 [latest update: #9957]

Receiver: a Parser
Arguments and temporary variables: 

Receiver''s instance variables: 
source:  a ReadWriteStream
mark:  22
aheadChar:  Character value: 30
token:  nil
tokenType:  #xIllegal
currentComment:  nil
buffer:  a WriteStream ''''
typeTable:  #(#xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllega...etc...
here:  nil
hereType:  nil
hereMark:  nil
hereEnd:  nil
prevMark:  nil
prevEnd:  nil
encoder:  {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures}
requestor:  a SmalltalkEditor
parseNode:  nil
failBlock:  [closure] in Parser>>parse:class:category:noPattern:context:notifying:ifFail:
requestorOffset:  0
tempsMark:  nil
doitFlag:  nil
properties:  nil
category:  nil

Receiver: a Parser
Arguments and temporary variables: 

Receiver''s instance variables: 
source:  a ReadWriteStream
mark:  22
aheadChar:  Character value: 30
token:  nil
tokenType:  #xIllegal
currentComment:  nil
buffer:  a WriteStream ''''
typeTable:  #(#xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllega...etc...
here:  nil
hereType:  nil
hereMark:  nil
hereEnd:  nil
prevMark:  nil
prevEnd:  nil
encoder:  {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures}
requestor:  a SmalltalkEditor
parseNode:  nil
failBlock:  [closure] in Parser>>parse:class:category:noPattern:context:notifying:ifFail:
requestorOffset:  0
tempsMark:  nil
doitFlag:  nil
properties:  nil
category:  nil

Receiver: a Parser
Arguments and temporary variables: 

Receiver''s instance variables: 
source:  a ReadWriteStream
mark:  22
aheadChar:  Character value: 30
token:  nil
tokenType:  #xIllegal
currentComment:  nil
buffer:  a WriteStream ''''
typeTable:  #(#xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllega...etc...
here:  nil
hereType:  nil
hereMark:  nil
hereEnd:  nil
prevMark:  nil
prevEnd:  nil
encoder:  {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures}
requestor:  a SmalltalkEditor
parseNode:  nil
failBlock:  [closure] in Parser>>parse:class:category:noPattern:context:notifying:ifFail:
requestorOffset:  0
tempsMark:  nil
doitFlag:  nil
properties:  nil
category:  nil

Receiver: a Parser
Arguments and temporary variables: 
inputStream:  a ReadWriteStream

Receiver''s instance variables: 
source:  a ReadWriteStream
mark:  22
aheadChar:  Character value: 30
token:  nil
tokenType:  #xIllegal
currentComment:  nil
buffer:  a WriteStream ''''
typeTable:  #(#xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xDelimiter #xDelimiter #xIllegal #xIllegal #xIllega...etc...
here:  nil
hereType:  nil
hereMark:  nil
hereEnd:  nil
prevMark:  nil
prevEnd:  nil
encoder:  {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures}
requestor:  a SmalltalkEditor
parseNode:  nil
failBlock:  [closure] in Parser>>parse:class:category:noPattern:context:notifying:ifFail:
requestorOffset:  0
tempsMark:  nil
doitFlag:  nil
properties:  nil
category:  nil

--- The full stack ---
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>evaluateSelection
[] in PluggableTextMorphPlus(PluggableTextMorph)>>inspectIt

And to top it off if I inspect hereChar on xIllegal in the debugger I get a char 160 that works fine!

I'm not sure how to determine what exactly what is the difference between the two characters.  Any suggestions?


All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum