Sorry, should have read more thoroughly. Please disregard my last post.


Am 30.03.2014 17:23, schrieb Herbert König:
Hi Dave,

thanks for the quick reply but still doesn't work after merging your EToys and Morphic commits of today.

I'll update the Mantis bug.


Am 30.03.2014 16:14, schrieb David T. Lewis:
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 01:43:33PM +0200, Herbert K?nig wrote:

I just reported "Can't save
morphic projects from 4.5 to local disk only"

I marked it as major because to my knowledge projects are distinguishing
Squeak other Smalltalks.

If fixed the initial problem, which was a misspelling in some recent refactorings.

However, there is an additional problem when saving a project:

ClassBinding>>objectForDataStream: refStream
     "It's not yet clear how serialization should work in the presence of environments"

I don't know what to do with this one, can someone offer some tips or background?

Oh, and the Bug got automatically assigned to Ken which might be rethought.

Indeed. I assigned this bug to myself, but can someone with admin access to please remove Ken as the automatic assign-to?
