You could try to narrow this further down ... If you use exactly the same image from the first run but change all the preferences you mention to their defaults, does the update stream actually work? Then you could bisect your set of custom preferences. Maybe you have a SqueakDebug.log lying around anywhere?



Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von tim Rowledge <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. September 2022 19:44:40
An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: [squeak-dev] Updating 6.0 image (was Re: Docs on Contributing to Squeak (was: The Inbox: Help-Squeak-Project-ct.94.mcz))

> On 2022-09-28, at 8:23 AM, Thiede, Christoph <> wrote:
> That's weird, I'm here at 22221. 22111 is the latest image version for Squeak 6.0. Do you maybe need to change your image to follow the Trunk (Squeak 6.1Alpha) again?

Goodness me, yes. I haven't done that in so long I'd quite forgotten.

So now it's actually loading updates and that reminds me that there are still occasional issues where the updating stops to require the user to do some MC merge actions (first instance is for update-mt.542.mcm/ReleaseBuilder-mt.239. That would be a good thing to solve someday.

Aaaand now it gets to Graphics-mt.533 (or something like that, hard to see it now) and appears to lock the system... now it has big red "help, I'm Morphic and I crashed horribly" crosses everywhere, and now it has apparently made an attempt to go to the emergency project and... nothing. Well, that's a bit naff. Cmd-. does nothing at all during any of this which is rather disappointing.

OK, try again, but this time in an image without my preferences set;
- another MC stop for update-mt.544/Graphics-mt.533
- and another for TrueType-mt.98 (this one wouldn't allow just 'all newer' I had to individually accept items before I  could merge)
- Morphic-mt.2023
- Morphic-ct.2046

OK, now it's all updated and I see your new help doc and it is good. :-) I especially like to see the little images in the help texts.

So I wonder what about my preferences caused so much trouble with Graphics-mt.533 Basically I go for no mouse button swapping (because the middle button is the menu, dammit!), scrollbars on the left (because on the right is the work of Santa), turn off enclose brackets, and I think the only other change is the display background form.

tim Rowledge;;
Useful random insult:- She's a screensaver:  Looks good, but useless.