"Randal L. Schwartz" <merlyn@stonehenge.com> hat am 25. September 2008 um 16:51 geschrieben:

> >>>>> "David" == David Röthlisberger <squeak@webcitas.ch> writes:
> >> hh2@lexdb> In particular: the red flag means that there is a 'self halt' in the method.
> >> Sadly, it's also true when there's a "break" message sent to anything.
> >> Which means some of my seaside methods that want a <br> get flagged,
> >> because they have "html break".
> David> yeah, this is bad, but unfortunately there is no easy way to avoid that,
> David> except excluding #break from the list of "dangerous" senders. But this doesn't
> David> really make sense as it is as important to know if a method sends #break or
> David> #halt.
> Maybe the seaside folks can add a new method for #br and deprecate
> #break or something in 2.9.

So the proposal is to replace the method WAhtmlCanvas>>break

      "Inserts a single line break."

      ^ self brush: WABreakTag new

with the following method WAhtmlCanvas>>br

    "Inserts a single line break."

    ^ self brush: WABreakTag new

Yes, I second this, because the break method has another meaning as

      "This is a simple message to use for inserting breakpoints during debugging.
      The debugger is opened by sending a signal. This gives a chance to restore
      invariants related to multiple processes."

      BreakPoint signal.

      "nil break."

Where can I file this Seaside change request? (Maybe it is already filed)

Kind regards

Hannes Hirzel