
I'm looking for someone with good Squeak AND peer2peer experience for a paid Open Source project. Preferably somebody residing this side (east) of the Shengen's Wall :)

In short what we need is a cross-platform demon that will act as a network traffic manager among the nodes of a distributed database system, many nodes of which may be disconnected from the network for even long periods (and be used in insulation during that time). The demon shall:
1) check whether the network is available
2) find a fresh node with a good bandwidth in the network topology
3) retrieve updates and deliver locally produced updates

The database instance itself is currently a MySQL instance, capable of accepting and delivering objectes in XML format. All that is managed by triggers and stored procedures (given the huge amounts we are going to manage we would not risk storing objects in squeak, at the moment). The DB part is already running.

Obviously there is much more to it, but I will rather discuss it with a potential candidate than spam the list.
