Merged, but keep EndOfStream for now as suggested.


Am 07.11.2021 17:03:28 schrieb <>:

=============== Summary ===============

Change Set:        deprecateExceptions
Date:            7 November 2021
Author:            Christoph Thiede

This change set cleans up several unused exceptions. The classes Abort and ExceptionAboutToReturn are deleted. The classes EndOfStream, FontSubstitutionDuringLoading, NanError, and UndeclaredVariableReference are deprecated.
(Finally! This tab has been waiting in my browser for me for almost 14 months...)

=============== Diff ===============

Abort (removed)
- Exception subclass: #Abort
-     instanceVariableNames: ''
-     classVariableNames: ''
-     poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'System-Exceptions'
- Abort class
-     instanceVariableNames: ''
- ""

ChangeSet>>fileOutOn: {fileIn/Out} · ct 11/7/2021 16:44 (changed)
fileOutOn: stream
    "Write out all the changes the receiver knows about"

    | classList traits classes traitList list |
    (self isEmpty and: [stream isKindOf: FileStream])
        ifTrue: [self inform: 'Warning: no changes to file out'].
-     traits := self changedClasses reject: [:each | each isBehavior].
+     traits := self changedClasses select: [:each | each isTrait].
    classes := self changedClasses select: [:each | each isBehavior].
    traitList := self class traitsOrder: traits asOrderedCollection.
    classList := self class superclassOrder: classes asOrderedCollection.
    list := OrderedCollection new
        addAll: traitList;
        addAll: classList;
    "First put out rename, max classDef and comment changes."
    list do: [:aClass | self fileOutClassDefinition: aClass on: stream].

    "Then put out all the method changes"
    list do: [:aClass | self fileOutChangesFor: aClass on: stream].

    "Finally put out removals, final class defs and reorganization if any"
    list reverseDo: [:aClass | self fileOutPSFor: aClass on: stream].

    self classRemoves sort do:
        [:aClassName | stream nextChunkPut: 'Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #', aClassName; cr].

EndOfStream (changed)
Error subclass: #EndOfStream
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'Collections-Exceptions'
+     category: '60Deprecated-Collections-Exceptions'

EndOfStream class
    instanceVariableNames: ''

"Signalled when ReadStream>>next encounters a premature end."

ExceptionAboutToReturn (removed)
- Notification subclass: #ExceptionAboutToReturn
-     instanceVariableNames: ''
-     classVariableNames: ''
-     poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'Kernel-Exceptions-Kernel'
- ExceptionAboutToReturn class
-     instanceVariableNames: ''
- ""

FontSubstitutionDuringLoading (changed)
Notification subclass: #FontSubstitutionDuringLoading
    instanceVariableNames: 'familyName pixelSize'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-System-Support'
+     category: '60Deprecated-Etoys-Squeakland-System-Support'

FontSubstitutionDuringLoading class
    instanceVariableNames: ''

"signaled by font loading code when reading a DiskProxy that calls for a missing font."

NaNError (changed)
ArithmeticError subclass: #NaNError
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'Kernel-Numbers-Exceptions'
+     category: '60Deprecated-Kernel-Numbers-Exceptions'

NaNError class
    instanceVariableNames: ''

"NaNError is signaled by various operations that would either result in or operate on an NaN input."

UndeclaredVariableReference (changed)
Notification subclass: #UndeclaredVariableReference
    instanceVariableNames: 'parser varName varStart varEnd'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
-     category: 'Compiler-Support'
+     category: '60Deprecated-Compiler-Support'

UndeclaredVariableReference class
    instanceVariableNames: ''


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