Hi Keith,

wrapping up:

You have a definition of "community" (package maintainers on SqueakSource) that is as controversial as the one you criticise.

You have some very concrete ideas (visions) about Squeak, the way the board and other entities should work.

In my opinion, you even have a point or two.

And in spite of all the above, you refuse to run for the board; instead you insist on continuing to blame people from a safe distance without showing the decency of being ready to take responsibility.

In one (final, as far as I'm concerned) word: pathetic.



Michael :-(


what purpose would running for the board do? And secondly you don't know what you are talking about.

Firstly, there have been no elections since this incident occurred, so your point is moot.

Secondly I would simply be accused of the same conflict of interest that I am accusing Andreas of. Release teams are supposed to work on the release not on the board.  

Thirdly, the board is a political entity, it always has been, and it basically shouldn't do anything, it never has done anything in the past. I would only run for the board in order to stop the board form hassling people and causing trouble.

Fourthly, as a result of the actions of the board, and other things, I don't have time.

And Fifthly, you don't ask disabled people to climb stairs. In fact it is illegal, not to put processes in place that do not enable disabled people to fully participate in the work place etc. I am not planning to run for the board because I am not emotionally up to it.

Of course if you are the kind of person, that forces people with phobias to touch tarantulas, I would call you pathetic to have that kind of expectation.
